Pure Peppermint Essential Oil Review

So I keep hearing about essential oils and wanted to try it out, but didn’t want to spend an arm and a leg paying for something just to try it out. So, the nice people at goPure Naturals were nice enough to send me a FULL bottle of Pure Peppermint Essential Oil! How awesome is that?
So, I researched ways to use it and when to use it. Anyone that knows me will tell you I am the researching queen. I look up EVERYTHING if I don’t know it. How else am I going to learn anything? I saw that it could be used for headaches. I liked the idea of using essential oils instead of medicine to soothe a headache, which is something I get quite often. One morning, I woke up with a killer headache. So, instead of popping some pills like I normally do, I dabbed some Peppermint Oil on my temples.

Y’all that was AMAZING. The smell of the peppermint and the cooling sensation on my temples felt great. Soon, my headache was completely gone. I couldn’t believe it as it seemed too good to be true. I am currently researching other ways to use the Peppermint Oil and am planning on trying it.

So, tell me. Have you ever used any essential oils? What were they and what were they used for?

Nadine West – February 2015

Hey, loves! I received my first shipment from Nadine West the other day.  Nadine West is a FREE subscription box that will send you tops, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and more every month.  You only pay for what you love and send the rest back.  You can check it out here.


Nadine West comes in a cute hot pink package.  I really like that they do something just a bit more than the regular manila mailers.


This is what was inside my mailer.  It is all wrapped up in pink tissue paper with a pink Nadine West sticker.  There was also a piece of paper that explained what was in the package, a small thing of tape and a pre-postaged sticker to ship back whatever you don’t want to keep.


Here is a paper that explains what my first month’s outfit is.  Turquoise Scarab Earrings priced at $12.99, Turquoise Scarab Pendant Necklace priced at $19.99 and a scarf.  I LOVE the name of the scarf- it makes me think of summer: Ice Cream Treat.  IT is priced at $18.99


First thing I saw was the scarf.  I like the way it feels and it didn’t look bad on.  I just really don’t like the coloring of it.  I didn’t feel like it would match anything that I own.  Maybe if it was a neutral color I would have kept it.

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Next is the jewelry.  I really like how it looks.  However, the material feels really cheap and flimsy.  I’m also one of the unfortunate people who is allergic to nickel.  The paper with the description did not include any information on the jewelry, so I wasn’t sure if it was nickel free or not; I assumed it was not with how cheap feeling it was.  Even if I wasn’t allergic to nickel, the jewelry did not feel worth over $30.

So, unfortunately, my first month was a bust.  The paper includes space for you to write notes as to why you are sending the items back, and I used that to explain that they should include what the jewelry is made of for people like me.  Whether they take my advice or not is another story; I’m just a little person.

There you have it!  February’s Nadine West shipment.  I really hope they send something better next month, as I was looking forward to receiving the package.

Stay stylish!

-Mrs. P

Gwynnie Bee 02/23/2015

Hey, loves!  I received my second box of goodies from Gwynnie Bee yesterday.  For those of you that don’t know, Gwynnie Bee is a plus size clothes rental website where you can choose clothes to put in your “closet” and they ship you the number of garments that you select. The clothes come already cleaned and inspected.  You also don’t have to wash the clothes before sending the clothes back- they will dry clean and inspect it for you. The first month is $10, but every month after that they charge you different amounts depending on how many garments you want to receive at a time.  You can check it out here.

I have chosen to get two garments sent at a time.  As soon as I am done with the clothes I have, I tell them I’m sending them back and they send me another shipment.  There is no limit to how many times you switch clothes out.  Love a garment?  Pay for it at 50%-70% of retail value and keep it.

On to the unboxing.


First off, it never comes in a very pretty box.  It’s very plain and doesn’t even have their logo on the box.  However, it’s not about the outside.  It’s the inside that counts and “don’t judge a book by its cover” and all that jazz.


This is how it looks when you open the box.  The clothes are wrapped in purple tissue paper with a Bee sticker.  Gwynnie BEE.  Get it?  It also comes with a pre-postaged blue bag that you can use to send the clothes back.

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The first article of clothing is a Shift Dress in Black Multi by Taylor.I actually really like this dress.  It was a little unshapely so I added a small brown belt.  I’m wearing it today, and have been receiving a few compliments on it.  I paired it with Montago Bay Club brown sandal wedges.  The dress is $39.50 if I decide to keep it.  I’m really debating on it.

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The second article is a Nordend Sweatshirt by Carmakoma.  This was just…odd.  The fabric was really heavy and actually pretty comfortable.  However, the sleeves were really tight and short- even for a 3/4 sleeve.  It was also really wide and really short.  I am neither really wide nor really short.  I tried it on and Mr. P took one look at me and made a face.  Into the blue bag it went.

So there you have it!  I’ll be sending both things back on Friday and will hopefully get another shipment by the end of next week.

Stay stylish, lovelies!

-Mrs. P

February 2015 BirchBox

I received my BirchBox in the mail on Wednesday.  I was so excited to open up the box to see what I had received this month.  BirchBox is this great subscription box service that sends you samples of beauty products such as make up, cleansers and perfumes.  It costs $10 a month.  If you would like to try it, just tell them that I sent you!

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This month, I received the following:  Harvey Prince Hello perfume, Number 4 Super Comb Prep & Protect, Sumita Color Contrast Eyeliner, Cynthia Rowley Beauty Creamy Lip Stain in Heartthrob and Gilchrist & Soames Spa Therapy Body Lotion.

I have only gotten a chance to try out the lip stain so far.  I actually REALLY like the color!  I was surprised as I normally don’t like any type of color on my lips.  The perfume’s scent is *okay* but not fantastic to me.  My husband, Mr. P, didn’t like it AT ALL.  I may still try it out one day to see if anyone else notices the scent and what their opinions are.  I will be trying the leave-in conditioner tonight, so I can come back and give my opinion on that.  I might try the eyeliner this weekend.  I don’t want to put it on tomorrow and have to take it right back off if I’m not feeling it- I just don’t have time to redo make up!  It’s navy blue, so I’m not sure how well that’s going to go with my eye color.

Do you have a BirchBox?  What are your thoughts on them?

Stay beautiful, loves!

-Mrs. P

*Update*  I just tried out the eyeliner.  I love how smoothly it goes on.  I love the feel of it.  The color?  Not so much.  Please excuse the hair and lack of other make up as I just finished working out not too long ago.


Gwynnie Bee

Yesterday, I recieved my FIRST Gwynnie Bee package and I couldn’t wait to try on the clothes!  Gwynnie Bee is a clothing subscription site for those that wear sizes 10-32.  You can choose what clothes to put in your “closet” and they send you clothes that you can rent!  You wear what you want and exchange them out for more.  If you absolutely love the item they sent you, you can buy it to keep.  They dry clean all items that are returned and you can wear the items for as long as you like.  It seemed like an awesome deal, so I subscribed to it.

When I got home, I placed Baby A down on her gym to play so I could play dress up!


However, I was a bit disappointed in the clothing.  I think I maybe have gotten the wrong sizes, but I went with their sizing guides.  I immediately “Blue Bagged” one of the dresses.  “Blue Bagging” basically means you place it in the provided, pre-postaged blue bag to return it.  You can go online and tell them you are shipping an item back so they can go ahead and prepare a new box for you.  The dress looked more like a night gown- it hung loose and awkward EVERYWHERE.  It was not a good fit for me.

The other dress, however, was decent.  It still hangs weird in some places and is strangely huge in the bust.  It is also very low cut which makes it a no go for school.  However, with a cami, the dress is just fine.  So, I decided to wear it to school today.  I have been getting many compliments from both teachers and students, but I still don’t think I’m going to keep it.


Cheryl Tweed Border V-Neck Dress by Spruce & Sage

Nude Tami by Old Navy

Tights by George

Black Pumps by Report

Like I said, this outfit is *okay* but I definitely don’t love it.  Hopefully I will love the next outfit I receive!

– Mrs. P

Hump Day!

Good morning! Monday was a holiday for us, so I didn’t have to get dressed up for anything which always makes for a great day. I stayed home to clean and play with this cutie.

Baby A

Baby A is 11 weeks old today!  I can’t believe it.  It seems just yesterday she was born.

Tuesday, however, I had to leave her with her Grammy and go to work.  I was NOT feeling the cold weather.  Anyone else tired of it and ready for some warmer weather?  To make my day just a *little* bit brighter, I decided to wear some colored pants instead of wearing dreary blah clothes.


White Tee from Motherhood Maternity

Teal Midrise Rockstar jeans from Old Navy

White Vans

My students loved the fact that I was wearing Vans and skinnies.  They thought I was the coolest teacher ever that day.  It was nice to be able to relax just a little bit to start my week.

What would you like to see with this Blog?  Feel free to leave comments!  I would love some feedback and constructive criticism!

-Mrs. P

A beginning…

Hello!  I have been wanting to start a blog on outfits, make up and beauty for a while.  I wanted to share how I dress every day since I get several compliments on many of my outfits.

I will also be sharing some of the subscription boxes that I get with reviews of the products that I receive.  I can’t wait to get started and I hope you all enjoy!


-Mrs. P